Tuesday, December 17, 2013



Runes are used to increase some of your stats. For example, armor and attack damage. From level one you get one rune page that you can use. Rune pages can be bought in the Riot Store for 6300 IP each, on special occasions you can get two for the same price.
As i mentioned before, you should avoid buying runes until level 20 because at this point you can buy 3rd tier runes.
  • 1 tier runes - level 1 to 9
  • 2 tier runes - level 10 to 19
  • 3 tier runes - level 20 to 30

Runes get better with each tier, so why waste your heard earned IP? on runes that you will give you very little stats and which you will need to re-buy. Rune slots are open every level.
So moving on, you have 4 different types of runes:
  •  Marks: The red runes. Offer you armor and magical penetration boosts. Very useful runes for DPS champions and mages.
  •  Seals: The yellow runes. Offer defensive boosts. Very useful runes for tanks and mages.
  • Glyphs: The blue runes. Primary glyphs offer magic boost. Very useful for spell casters
  •  Quintessences: You can only have 3 because they are the most powerful runes out of the five. 

Classic Examples of Rune Pages:


  • Marks - It's better to tack just attack damage because it will help you with last hitting. Or you can you can also take armor penetration, it will lower the armor of your opponents.
  • Seals - Armor runes are mandatory for all rune pages actually, it's just the best option for now.
  • Glyphs - Magic resist per level/magic resist. Will give you more mr to survive fights. 
  •  Quintessences - Armor penetration/Attack damage/Lifesteal. Your choice.

Bruiser Top:

  • Marks - Attack damage
  • Seals - Armor runes are mandatory.
  • Glyphs - Magic resist per level/magic resist if you lane against AP take the straight magic resist.
  •  Quintessences - Armor penetration/Attack damage/Lifesteal. Your choice.
AP Mid:

  • Marks - Magic penetration
  • Seals - Armor runes are mandatory.
  • Glyphs - Magic resist per level/magic resist.
  •  Quintessences - Ability power
AD Jungle:

  • Marks - Attack speed, for faster clear of the jungle
  • Seals - Armor runes are mandatory.
  • Glyphs - Magic resist per level/magic resist.  
  •  Quintessences - Attack damage/armor penetration/movement speed

Monday, December 16, 2013

Masteries explained! (Season 4)

Introduction : 

Masteries are passive buffs that are used to increase your champion stats. There is a different variety of masteries to take. Starting from level one you will receive one point that you can spend in your mastery trees, so by level 30 you will have 30 points to spend. The masteries are divided into 3 parts:

Take note that preferably you should be putting at least 21 points in one of the trees to get better bonuses and 9 in the other.

  • Offensive: Goal is to increase damage, mainly taken by ADC, mid and high damage dealing                          champions.

  • Defensive: Goal is to increase survivability , especially team-fights. Mainly taken my tanks,                          junglers and tanky supports.

  • Utility: Is pretty much made for supports and junglers if they want the extra buff duration.

Classic Examples of Mastery Trees:

ADC/Offensive Top:

Here you see a mastery tree for ADC or Offensive Top, there for 21 points are taken in the Offensive tree to optimize damage and 9 points in Defensive for a bit of survivability.
Champion Examples: Caitlyn, Draven, Ashe, etc.

AP Mid:

This is a possible route for AP mids. It gives you the extra power you need and some tankiness. If you don't feel like putting 9 in Defense you can always put it in utility for some extra mana and speed.
Champion Examples: Le Blanc, Diana, Nidalee, Fizz, Kassadin, etc.

Tanky AD Top:

Pretty basic and self explanatory. You need all the tankiness you can get so you take 21 in Defense and 9 in Offense to at least deal some damage.
Champion Examples: Cho'gath, Galio, Malphite, Shen (take the 9 points for some ap AP)

Tanky AD Jungle:

Similar to tank masteries. I suggest taking "Tough Skin" and "Bladed Armor" it improves your jungle and jungle speed. Note that jungles can be AP and AD so you can change the 9 point in the Offensive tree.
Champion Examples: Udyr, Xin Zhao, Nasus, Scarner, etc.


Taking 21 points in the Utility tree is important for Supports because of masteries like "Greed" and "Scavenger" supports have a way of gaining some money. 9 in Defense is nice as well, for some tankiness.
Champion Examples: Lulu, Sona, Leona, Taric, Soraka, Janna, etc.

  • Note that all of the different mastery trees shown here are not perfect to your play style. Meaning that i have shown you the classic examples of mastery trees but it's up to you to teak it or change it completely. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Levels/Game Types

Getting Started:

Over the years League of Legends have vastly improved their interface. Nowadays it's much more cleaned and easy to use. 

To get into a game of your choosing whether its Normal, ARAM or Ranked. You will need to press the "Play" button which is displayed on the top. 

The highest level in the game is 30. With that you get full access to Runes and Masteries. By playing games you will gain EXP and IP. With IP you can buy new champions as well as Runes. But i suggest saving all of your earned IP until you get level 20. By this time you will get the feeling of the game and what champions you like, as well as  at this level you’re able to buy Tier 3 runes.

Game Types


 In the begging i strongly recommend that you only play games VS Bots to get a better understanding of the game. The game offers you two kinds of difficulties, Beginner and Intermediate. After beating a couple of the beginner Co-op games you should try the Intermediate but be careful because the difference between the two is quite significant.

Normal Game is a type of PvP match, and does not affect Elo. In the end of the game you will be rewarded with XP and IP (Influence Points), much more than in Co-op matches. summoner can choose any available champion. As well as spellsmastery trees and rune pages, just like in practice games.


~ Normal Blind Pick -  Each player selects a champion of their choice. As well as each team can not see which champions the other has picked until the game has started. Only one of each Champion can be selected on each team.

~ Normal Draft Pick - In the beginning the team leaders have the power of banning in total 6 champions. The banned champions will not played by any team this mach. The team that gets first ban has the first pick. After the initial pick, teams alternate and pick two at a time until each champion has been selected. No champion can be selected more than once in a game. When all players have locked in, it is possible to switch champions between your team.


~ Ranked Solo/Duo Draft Pick - You have to be level 30 to play ranked.You can play competitive "solo" or with your friend "duo" queues. During the champion selection this game mode is the same as Normal Draft Pick. But by playing Ranked game you will win or loose what is called "Elo". It's a ration system system created by Arpad Elo for chess games. For more information "click here".
Since Season 3 Riot Games have "changed" the ranking system by introducing 5 Divisions. Now instead of winning Elo you will be going up the "ladder". It's pretty much the same thing and self explanatory with this photo.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Basics: Maps

League of Legends is a fast-paced competitive online game some what similar to Dota, HoN or even Smite. Basically this game consists of 4 different maps and they are: Summoner's Rift, Twisted Treeeline, The Crystal Scar and Howling Abyss (aslo known as ARAM or The Proving Grounds.)

Maps :

Summoners Rift and The Proving Grounds are the most played maps. For Summoners Rift is  the most competitive map out of the four, while The Proving Grounds (ARAM) is most often used to play for fun. The big difference between the two is that ARAM is much smaller than Summoners Rift, having only one lane but still consist 5 players on each team. Because of there differences an average game of ARAM is about 20min while Summoners Rift is roughly about 30-45min.
The Twisted Treeline is a 3v3 map, a slightly smaller version of Summoners Rift consisting of only 2 lanes. While The Crystal Scar had the biggest differences between the 4 available maps, in which two teams of five players fight over control of all five capture points (The Windmill,The Drill, The Boneyard, The Quarry and The Refinery). In the beginning both teams are given 500 points. When both teams have only 2 captured points none of the teams will loose their points, but when a team has more captured more capture points it will start to win. In short, the more capture points your team holds, the faster the enemies’ Nexus health will go down. Killing enemies will also contribute to the fall of the nexus. When a team has 0 points, they have lost the game.
The objective is to push your lanes, destroy towers to reach and destroy the Nexus while working with your team and forcing the enemy team to be on their "back foot". 

Friday, December 13, 2013


Hello everyone,

I am starting this blog in hope of teaching people how to play League of Legends correctly. This blog will be for people who are new to League but also for people who have played it for years and still struggle to achieve their deserved "Elo".

- In my blog i will be going over every role in the game (Top,Mid,Jungle,ADC and Support), their definition (why we need an ADC or why we choose this one), what you should do during the different stages of the game as well as team fights and map awareness. Those are just some topics coming up in future blogs.

- In the future i want to be able to help my fellow followers by viewing and commenting on their gameplay for better and faster results of improvement.

Don't forget to comment and let me know what you think as well as suggestions are highly appreciated.

Stay tuned for more and if you want you can subscribe to this blog and get updates in your mail for future posts.