Getting Started:
To get into a game of your choosing whether its Normal, ARAM or Ranked. You will need to press the "Play" button which is displayed on the top.
The highest level in the game is 30. With that you get full access to Runes and Masteries. By playing games you will gain EXP and IP. With IP you can buy new champions as well as Runes. But i suggest saving all of your earned IP until you get level 20. By this time you will get the feeling of the game and what champions you like, as well as at this level you’re able to buy Tier 3 runes.
Game Types
In the begging i strongly recommend that you only play games VS Bots to get a better understanding of the game. The game offers you two kinds of difficulties, Beginner and Intermediate. After beating a couple of the beginner Co-op games you should try the Intermediate but be careful because the difference between the two is quite significant.
A Normal Game is a type of PvP match, and does not affect Elo. In the end of the game you will be rewarded with XP and IP (Influence Points), much more than in Co-op matches. A summoner can choose any available champion. As well as spells, mastery trees and rune pages, just like in practice games.
~ Normal Blind Pick - Each player selects a champion of their choice. As well as each team can not see which champions the other has picked until the game has started. Only one of each Champion can be selected on each team.
~ Normal Draft Pick - In the beginning the team leaders have the power of banning in total 6 champions. The banned champions will not played by any team this mach. The team that gets first ban has the first pick. After the initial pick, teams alternate and pick two at a time until each champion has been selected. No champion can be selected more than once in a game. When all players have locked in, it is possible to switch champions between your team.
~ Ranked Solo/Duo Draft Pick - You have to be level 30 to play ranked.You can play competitive "solo" or with your friend "duo" queues. During the champion selection this game mode is the same as Normal Draft Pick. But by playing Ranked game you will win or loose what is called "Elo". It's a ration system system created by Arpad Elo for chess games. For more information "click here".
Since Season 3 Riot Games have "changed" the ranking system by introducing 5 Divisions. Now instead of winning Elo you will be going up the "ladder". It's pretty much the same thing and self explanatory with this photo.
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