Introduction :
Masteries are passive buffs that are used to increase your champion stats. There is a different variety of masteries to take. Starting from level one you will receive one point that you can spend in your mastery trees, so by level 30 you will have 30 points to spend. The masteries are divided into 3 parts:
Take note that preferably you should be putting at least 21 points in one of the trees to get better bonuses and 9 in the other.
- Offensive: Goal is to increase damage, mainly taken by ADC, mid and high damage dealing champions.
- Defensive: Goal is to increase survivability , especially team-fights. Mainly taken my tanks, junglers and tanky supports.
- Utility: Is pretty much made for supports and junglers if they want the extra buff duration.
Classic Examples of Mastery Trees:
ADC/Offensive Top:
Here you see a mastery tree for ADC or Offensive Top, there for 21 points are taken in the Offensive tree to optimize damage and 9 points in Defensive for a bit of survivability.
Champion Examples: Caitlyn, Draven, Ashe, etc.
AP Mid:
This is a possible route for AP mids. It gives you the extra power you need and some tankiness. If you don't feel like putting 9 in Defense you can always put it in utility for some extra mana and speed.
Champion Examples: Le Blanc, Diana, Nidalee, Fizz, Kassadin, etc.
Tanky AD Top:
Pretty basic and self explanatory. You need all the tankiness you can get so you take 21 in Defense and 9 in Offense to at least deal some damage.
Champion Examples: Cho'gath, Galio, Malphite, Shen (take the 9 points for some ap AP)
Tanky AD Jungle:
Similar to tank masteries. I suggest taking "Tough Skin" and "Bladed Armor" it improves your jungle and jungle speed. Note that jungles can be AP and AD so you can change the 9 point in the Offensive tree.
Champion Examples: Udyr, Xin Zhao, Nasus, Scarner, etc.
Taking 21 points in the Utility tree is important for Supports because of masteries like "Greed" and "Scavenger" supports have a way of gaining some money. 9 in Defense is nice as well, for some tankiness.
Champion Examples: Lulu, Sona, Leona, Taric, Soraka, Janna, etc.
- Note that all of the different mastery trees shown here are not perfect to your play style. Meaning that i have shown you the classic examples of mastery trees but it's up to you to teak it or change it completely.
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